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Brooke Parker

I appreciate you stopping in. I'd like to share a little about myslef! My name is Brooke Parker. I was born and raised in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina. I am a Leicester native, which is located just outside of Asheville.


My interest in photography sparked when I was a teenager, around 2002. I used to take a little point and shoot camera out to the pasture and photograph my horses with it. I found it so relaxing and I enjoyed expressing my creativity through the lens. For years, photography was only a hobby. Back then, I never dreamed that it would ignite into a full-time career. 


On Easter morning in 2005, I gave my heart to Christ and accepted Him as my Savior. Several years after I got saved, I began playing guitar and singing at our church. Today, my family is very heavily involved with ministry and my husband is a preacher. We are passionate about serving God and sharing His love with others.
In 2008 I graduated college with an Associates Degree in Veterinary Medical Technology. It was in that same year that I married my sweet husband, Brent. I spent 7 years working as a Licensed Veterinary Technician at several local veterinary clinics. Although it was a wonderful experience, I couldn't help but to feel that God had a greater plan and purpose for my life. I wanted so badly to put my creativity and artistic abilities to good use. I didn't want to see these God-given talents go to waste. 
In 2014 God blessed us with our son, Tanner. He had certainly given me more of a purpose than I could have ever imagined! I was blessed to be able to stay at home and raise our son (which was a full-time job in itself for sure). Although being a stay-at-home mother was wonderful, I still missed having a career and being able to contribute to the family financially.


It was in 2015 that I felt lead to take my passion for photography to the next level. With the support and encouragement of my husband and family, I enrolled in a beginning digital photography course at our local community college. From there, I took one-on-one lessons at a photography studio in Asheville. With those courses and lessons as my foundation, and after much prayer and seeking God's will for my life, I decided to pursue photography as a profession. 


As I expected, business started out slowly. It took a while to build my clientele up enough to consider photography a steady source of income. I am blessed to say that I have been full-time and running a thriving photography business for over 8 years now! 
So here I am today, getting to put my artistic talents to use and loving every minute of it! I know that God isn't finished and He has great plans for the future of Brooke Parker Photography!

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